Saturday, May 10, 2008

No Country For Old Men

2007 (R)

Uh, I don’t know where to go with this one. It is hands down the most disturbing movie I have ever seen. The violence was unlike any I’ve watched on screen. Not in a guns or swords or beating up kind of way. But carried out in a cold, calculated, mental, manipulative manner. I think I kind of liked it. There were some really cool foreshadowing moments. I would consider reading the book, but I think I might be even more terrified reading the story. I’m still in shock that it won the Academy Award for Best Picture. And there's no way that I can rate this film in terms of emoticons. It just doesn't seem appropriate.

1 comment:

Yeti said...

after hashing this movie out with a friend - taking about it from a theological lens - i had a much greater appreciation for it. it really is a brilliant movie with so many layers.