Saturday, February 23, 2008

Jesus Christ Superstar


This is an oldie for sure – old movie, older story. I’ve seen this musical – live – twice. And absolutely loved it. The movie was pretty good too. Ted Neeley plays a 30ish year old Jesus in the movie. (Ted’s the same guy I saw playing Jesus live, but much, much older than he was in the movie. I have to admit, Jesus at 60 is not as believable as Jesus at 30. But his voice sounds the same, eerily.)

I have to admit that there are definitely some things in the musical that I don’t love, and that are questionable as true to the story, and potentially offensive to God. (Though I’m not referring to Mary Magdelene’s affection towards Jesus, and vice versa, though I believe the writers might have tried to make that very controversial.) My mind is not so creative. . .imaginitive to picture Scripture as it happened. So while there are those questionable areas in the musical, I love seeing the story acted out. And the music is incredible, I think. Andrew Lloyd Weber is phenomenal.

I’m not rating this one because I’m not sure if Jesus would be okay with the movie or absolutely hate it. He knows the reasons I like it so much, and I think he’s okay with my liking it.

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