Sunday, June 15, 2008

Run Lola Run

1998 (R)

Another movie in subtitles - this time the language was German. I've known of this movie for quite some time. . .it came out in the 90's, as you see above. I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but it's way cooler than I thought it would be. Lola is actually running almost the whole time! I kept thinking of what great shape she must be in. LOL. The story looks into how the slightest different actions she takes shape her (and others) future in drastically different ways. Quite interesting.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Wedding Planner

2001 (PG-13)
I remember liking this one a lot more than I did this time around. I'm even embarrassed to post this because it's so not even close to other movies I love blogged about below. But it's cute, I guess. I'm surprised to see that it came out in this decade; I would've bet it came out in the 90's. I think this one was towards the beginning of Jennifer Lopez's and Matthew McConaughey's string of romantic comedies. I probably shouldn't go back and re-watch some of these chick flicks I thought were cute the first time around. . .keep good memories of them.


2006 (R)

I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!! It's considered a musical, and it's incredible. The music is. . .I don't have words to describe. I just loved it. We downloaded the soundtrack the night we watched the movie. The story is about this man and woman who meet, and during the course of a week, their friendship develops and they write and record songs. I highly, highly recommend this one!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Into the Wild

2007 (R)

I saw the book of the same story in Barnes and Noble a few months ago, and I thought it looked really good. So when I heard it was a movie as well, I was so excited to see it. It's a true story of this guy's journey "into the wild", living in Alaska with nothing but a few supplies in a backpack. The majority of the movie was REALLY good. I was soooo mad at the end, though. I had no idea that what happened at the end was coming. It's even worse knowing that it happened in real life. Still a good true story though.

Dan in Real Life

2007 (PG-13)

Ahhhhh. LOVE this movie. Love Focus Features. Steve Carrell is AWESOME in it. I love that he can play such a wide variety of characters. Juliette Binoche is great too. And I would never claim to be a fan of Dane Cook, but he was hilarious! In a way, the movie kind of reminds me the Family Stone (which I also enjoyed). I completely recommend this film to everyone.


2007 (PG-13)

I like Keri Russell. Loved Felicity. I didn’t expect much from this movie, so I wasn’t disappointed. I will say that it was a cute, not-have-to-think movie. It really cracked me up that the main character consistently named the pies that she made after what she was going through at the time, such as "I Don't Want Earl's Baby Pie".

No Country For Old Men

2007 (R)

Uh, I don’t know where to go with this one. It is hands down the most disturbing movie I have ever seen. The violence was unlike any I’ve watched on screen. Not in a guns or swords or beating up kind of way. But carried out in a cold, calculated, mental, manipulative manner. I think I kind of liked it. There were some really cool foreshadowing moments. I would consider reading the book, but I think I might be even more terrified reading the story. I’m still in shock that it won the Academy Award for Best Picture. And there's no way that I can rate this film in terms of emoticons. It just doesn't seem appropriate.